Sunday, September 20, 2015

Some Poems

Heart’s Cry
My Bridegroom God
My Lord, my King
You have pierced my heart
Made me weep
Heart so full, words scarce can tell
I bow my knees
Conform my will
I fear, I tremble, I melt
You strengthen, You call, You help
I gaze, eyes wide with wonder
Dreams of my heart cherished by You
This greater Yes
Birth of an adventure
Planned, written, and guarded by You
A longing born, a fire lit
God Himself in me did knit
This ache for Him and Him alone
O win this heart
You’ve won my soul
Wholly dependent on Christ alone
Seal with blood, for Glory atoned
Only Lord, this my plea
Keep me close, close to Thee

Still Point
O patient Friend, loving God
Thou bids me lift mine eyes upward
How quickly though these lids do fall
Won’t Thee fasten them Christward

When all I perceive be troubles and woes
Thou calls to me gently, “Lift thine eyes.”
Though that around me is yet unchanged
I now see mercy ‘stead of worries rise

When tides break and billows roll
And earth quakes, unmoved are You
When batteries of life hammer their toll
I look to Thee, ever true

“Be still,” Thou calls, “Be still and know.
Exalted among the earth I’ll be
Though mountains melt and earth gives way
My wonders and glories thine eye will see.”

When that day comes, my heart at rest
Mine eyes shall see, my lips shall sing
All honor, glory, and power be
Ascribed to Thee, my matchless King

 Long have you slept, O heart of mine
Unaware of songs humming through time
Eyes not opened to His design
Faithful was He, failed not to refine

He has stood sentinel to thee
Guarding, cherishing the seed of dreams
Mercy whispered, eyes to see
Ears to remember the wonder theme

Awake! Awake! O heart and see!
Awake and see that thou may sing!
Bid others also come and see
This beauty, mystery, galaxy

For this, this was I made
For this, this damned soul saved
To honor Him who made a way
To give Him glory every blessed day

Now heart of mine soar to tell
Of Him who rescued souls from Hell
He has won! It is well.
Death is beaten, sin is felled!

Christ is risen! Glory be!
Hallelujah to the King!
On that day all eyes shall see

See this man, Jesus King!

Photo from

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